The first caricature you'll draw won't really be
a caricature. What I want you to do is "dumb down" a
portrait so we can get a caricature style of drawing
Draw this face with simple lines and
shadows. |
Does your drawing look something like
this? |
your lap desk out and put a sheet or two of paper on it
and get comfortable in front of your computer. Sharpen
your 5B pencil and have your eraser handy. If you'd like
to print out the photo we'll be working with go ahead. I
want you to try and draw the girl here with the simplest lines
and shadows you can. Draw her in correct proportion, but
do it with as few lines as you can. If you need to
review how to measure the facial features to get correct
proportions check out that section of
draw this girl, take as long as you need and erase any
lines or shadows you don't like. Start with her eyes,
correctly space the eyes, then draw the nose, then the
mouth, then the chin, then enclose the whole thing with
the hair. Measure all these features against one another
so you keep correct proportion. The goal here is to
learn a style of drawing that would be useful in
caricaturing. Draw and shade simply as you can.
your drawing look anything like the one I did? If not,
that's OK, I want you to develop your own caricaturing
style anyway. But let me explain the features of my
style and how to create them.
Line Unlike portraiture, caricaturing should have an
element of "cartoony-ness" to it, and cartoons have
simple, bold lines. The lines you draw should really
separate one element from another and be fat, dark and
confident. Notice the line that is her chin. It's darker
and more defined than that area on the photograph. And
the lines that make up the nose are bolder than they are
in the photograph as well. Thick lines create shadow
without all that involved, time consuming, gradient
shading stuff. Be confident in your lines and don't
timidly sketch them, really mean it when you put a line
on the paper and do it with one long and heavy stroke.
Detail of her right eye |
You're going to draw shadows to complement your bold
lines, but the shadows shouldn't be overpowering to the
line. Look at the way I drew the shadows on the woman.
Rather than do heavily gradient shadows, just hint at
them. Draw the main shadows that will define the face,
but don't draw every shadow. The way your subject is lit
in the photograph is going to determine how you do your
shadows. That's why I'd rather draw a pretty evenly lit
photo, like the one above, than one that has really
heavy shadows.
Even the hair will get "dumbed down" in caricature. In
portraiture you never draw each individual hair, you
draw the shapes and shadows that the hair creates. You
do the same thing in caricature, but the shapes and
shadows you'd draw would be simpler than they would be
in portraiture. In the example above I have about three
gradients in the hair: White for highlights, dark for
the hair that is visible behind her head, and a middle
tone for the rest of it. In straight hair, you'd lay
down shadows that go in the direction that the hair
falls. I drew straight lines in the direction the hair
was going, but I didn't draw each hair, I just hinted at
the shadows created by the dark hair.
assignment: I'd like you to draw some other faces to
try and develop a "caricature style" of drawing. Like
above, don't try and do a caricature by distorting
features, try and draw a face with the correct
proportions, but draw it with simple, bold, lines and
with minimal shadows. Rather than spending an hour or
two doing a highly detailed drawing, try and draw a face
in under a half hour. First, sit in front of a mirror
with your lap desk and draw yourself. If you'd like to
keep going and working on your drawing style, find a
photograph online or in a family photo album. The face
has to be large enough that you can see all the facial
details. My rule of thumb on face size is that the face
in the photo can't be smaller than my thumbnail. |