You've mastered caricaturing the eyes, so the
nose should come next. When people think of caricature,
they think "don't make my nose look big!". Yes, you
could draw large noses, but you should draw what is
prominent on the face. If the nose ain't large, don't
draw it large. It's funny that many people think that's
what makes a caricature - a large nose. In fact, the
caricature community doesn't help that stereotype by
calling their annual caricature award "The Nose". But
what can you do, right? When you get to drawing the nose
on the face don't say to yourself "Oh boy! Now I can go
to town on this person and really mess them up!"
Remember - likeness is key when drawing caricatures - so
if the person does not have a large snot locker - don't
draw it that way.
The nose sticks out from the face, so it's one of those
things I draw with bold lines. If you draw with bold
lines, it really separates one thing from another. The
nose is something you should really strive for likeness
with, even if you've made it HUGE, it must still look
like node of your subject.
Let's draw her nose |
Let's continue with the woman whose eyes we just drew.
Her nose is at three quarters, meaning that you don't
see all of it, just 75% of it. Because of this
angle, the left nose lobe will be smaller than the right
one because it's further away from your eyes. Can you
see that her nose could be drawn looking like a "J"? So
I'd draw it like a "J" and make the bridge part rather
lightly, and when I get to the ball of the nose I'll
thicken up the line to get a more shadowed look.
Drawing the nose |
At the ball of the nose be very careful and draw the
contour exactly as you see it so you can get the
likeness. Start the "J" at about even with the tear duct
of the left eye, and just eyeball the placement between
the eyes, but obviously, the line would be closer to the
left eye than the right. Her nose is about one and a
half eyes long if you'd have measured the length. You
may want to put a mark at the one and a half eye spot so
you know how long to make the nose. If you take your
pencil and hold it vertically at the edge of the ball of
the nose of the photo, and note where that line falls on
the eye, that will help you in making the ball and lobes
of the nose wide enough (like the red dotted line). The
lobes can be drawn by drawing "C"s. The left lobe would
be smaller than the right one in this picture because
it's further away from the viewer. the top of the lobe
would be drawn a bit lighter, and the bottom you could
really lean on your pencil to make a thick, shadowed,
line. |