It seems that in Art there are two ways of
drawing a person - 1. Drawing their head and face
- this is known as a
Portrait, and 2.
Drawing a persons body - this is called Figure
Drawing. This site covers drawing a portrait
and this section that you're looking at right now will
discuss Figure Drawing. What Figure Drawing will help you understand
is how to draw the human body. We're not going to get
all medical about it and draw bones and nerves and such,
because you don't see those every day (unless it's your
job). What we'll look at is how to draw "the man on the
street", the types of people you see every day. This
section assumes that you are comfortable with the
activity of drawing, and that you have a basic
understanding of how to draw. If you don't feel like
you're comfortable with drawing yet, may I suggest that
you take a look at the
DRAWING BASICS section of this site. Pay
particular attention to the
perspective and
contour drawing topics because there will be
a lot of that going on in figure drawing that is assumed
you're comfortable with. In this figure drawing section we'll
go into the general proportions of a typical human body
and also explore some of the common errors that people
make when drawing the human body. Topics to be explored in this section
will include:
So let's get this party
Started! Click
Next Page!
Close ups of Male and
Female figure drawings |