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let's try drawing noses. You'll soon see that the face
is very interconnected by the way we're chopping up the
face to draw each feature separately. I think noses are
usually the least interesting part of the face, but they are
still very different from face to face, and can be very
expressive. So don't take them lightly. Let's draw the
nose that belongs to the female eyes we drew a few pages
back. If
you still have the female eyes you drew and there's
enough room under them to draw the nose, continue to use
that drawing. You'll need at least and eye's length
below the eyes you drew in order to fit the nose in. If
you can't fit the nose in on your paper, I suggest
drawing in the eyes near the top of a new sheet of paper
without shading them in. Then you can draw the nose
below the penciled-in eyes.
Finding the nose length |
the enlarged (or printed) photo of the eyes and nose,
measure the width of her right eye to get your basic
measure unit. Holding that measure, turn your pencil 90
degrees down pivoting at the tear duct so you're
measuring the height of the nose. See that the nose is
about 1 1/4 eyes long. Measure the drawn right eye,
pivot the pencil down and mark 1 1/4 eyes long.
on the photo, hold your pencil vertically at the edge of
the right nose lobe. See where you pencil falls on the
right eye - a bit to the left of the tear duct? Put your
pencil in that position on the drawing just left of the
tear duct. now go down your pencil to the mark you made
for the length of the nose. Make a mark horizontally
parallel to the length mark right where your pencil is.
This will give you the right edge of the nose. Do the
same measurement for the left edge of the nose. Now you
should have three marks that indicate the area where the
nose will be drawn. You can measure the width of the
three marks and see that the nose will be slightly wider
than an eye.
Draw the nose contours |
in the photo that her left lobe looks a bit bigger than
the right? This means that the ball of the nose is
pointing slightly to the right. You'll have to draw it
that way. Lightly draw the contours of the ball and the
lobes of the nose. Use your "eye" measurement so that
the ball is larger than the lobes. Also measure the
height of the ball of the nose. You can draw the
nostrils as horizontal "C"s.
at the photo, begin to shade in the nose. Notice that
the space between the nostrils is darker than the lower
part of the ball. Also see that on the left nostril
there's more shadow on the bottom than the top. Note the
highlight on the ball of the nose. You can use your
eraser to erase out the highlight. I'd do the very dark
nostrils last, shade completely around them first.
Shading of the nose |
you're done with the ball and lobes, shade the sides of
the nose. Starting from the bridge in between the eyes
and going down, notice that the shadow gradually widens
the closer you get to the ball and lobes. See that the
nose shadows just sort of melt onto the cheeks. Also
notice that the shadows are darker on the right side of
the nose. The shadows indicating the sides of the ball
of the nose will blend in with the shadows you're
drawing that are the sides of the nose. On this woman's
nose it's very hard to see the nose bone that goes right
down the center, so the highlights on the nose and the
shadows are pretty gradual.
Draw this nose |
assignment: Draw noses. Try this nose. The nose bone
is much easier to see in this guy's nose so the shadows
will be better defined. You can't see the nostrils much
at all because the ball of his nose turns down much more
than the woman's did. Draw this nose using the steps
described above. After you finish this guy, sit in front
of a mirror and draw your nose. Try and get it as
straight on as possible. Try drawing noses from
different ethnic groups and notice if there's any
differences in the placement of the nose on the face, or
the size of the ball versus the lobes. I'd recommend
drawing African-American noses. I find African American
people a lot of fun to draw because their skin tone is
so dramatic. |