Below the nose is the pie-hole, the mush, the
mouth. Because the mouth is so expressive, it can be a
challenge to draw, but breaking it down into it's
component features makes it a bit easier.
A woman's lips are fuller than a mans usually, that's
how we can tell a woman's mouth from a man's mouth
without seeing the rest of the face. Although a woman's
lips are fuller, the overall proportions are still the
same for both sexes: the top lip is generally smaller
than the bottom lip.
the closed mouth all you'll be drawing is lips, so it
can be done pretty quickly depending on the amount of
shadow there is. On a closed mouth, find the placement
of the mouth in the same way you found the nose. Measure
down from the bottom of the nose to the crack that is
the mouth and make a mark. Put your pencil vertically at
the corner of the mouth and sight upwards to where the
eye intersects the pencil. Then place your pencil on
your drawing in the same vertical position on the eye
and sight down to the mark you made for the mouth. Make
a mark to indicate the corner of the mouth. Do the same
vertical measure on the left corner of the mouth. With
your three points plotted, lightly draw the line that is
the closed mouth. When I draw the contour lines of the
mouth, rather than starting at one corner of the mouth
and drawing one line all the way across to the other
corner, I start the line at the middle and draw to one
corner. Then I go back to the middle and draw out to the
other corner. If the mouth has that downward point in
the middle, I would draw the mouth by starting at one
side of the downward point and draw out to the corner of
the mouth. Then start at the other side of the "point"
and draw out to the other corner.
a woman's full lips, measure the height of the lower lip
from the mouth to it's fullest point - the middle. Make
that measurement on your drawing an make a mark that
will represent the bottom point of the lower lip.
Measure the top lip in the same way and mark that point
on your drawing. Is the upper lip skinnier than the
lower lip?
Drawing lips |
the contour of both lips. Do you see the little dip in
the center of the upper lip? To begin shading, lay down
a fairly even middle-gray tone on both lips. Then shade
in the lips noting that the shadow is deepest at the
corners of the mouth and also along the horizontal edge
closest to the mouth. Lightly erase out the highlight if
you see one.
a man's lips on a closed mouth should be much easier.
Find the placement of the mouth as above. Draw the mouth
using the three points of reference.
could either just start shading in the upper lip, or
draw a contour of it and then shade it in.
Drawing male lips |
just shade around the mouth. Shade the upper lip if it's
darker than the lower. If the guy hasn't shaved, don't
draw each whisker, that'd take too long. Shade the
whisker area darker than the bare skin area. Drawing a
man's mouth is more shading than drawing contour lines. |