Once you get your "mannequin" laid out, the fun really begins. If you measured while creating the stick figure and the mannequin stages of your figure, you can be pretty confident that you have the proportions correct. And you can begin to erase the construction lines from the two previous stages and begin to shade in and add detail to your figure.

Start by adding shading very lightly, you can always go back and darken it if you need to. And since you'll be laying down a lot of graphite that will smudge (if you're using a soft pencil like a 5B), I suggest putting a blank sheet of paper on your drawing and rest your drawing hand on the blank paper so that it's between your drawing and your hand. This is especially handy (ha ha) if you're right handed and you're working on the left side of the drawing. I begin by adding detail and shading to the head.